Monday, December 28, 2020

Increasing Adherence to Antipsychotic Medications

Before joining Spirit Lake Reservation as a Psychiatrist, Wayne Macfadden MD published several peer-reviewed studies. In 2010, Wayne Macfadden MD analyzed the use of the Medication Adherence Assessment Tool for patient non-adherence to antipsychotic treatment protocols.

Many patients who are prescribed antipsychotics do not take their medications consistently. As many as 68 percent of patients with Schizophrenia are not adherent to their medications. These high rates are attributed to unpleasant side effects, inability to remember taking their medications, and other factors, such as housing instability and co-occurring Substance Use Disorders.

Medical non-adherence is associated with higher rates of relapse and hospitalization. Without proper treatment, patients also have an elevated risk of engaging in self-harming behaviors or attempting suicide.

One way to improve adherence is to provide medication through long-lasting injections of antipsychotic medication. Some patients may also benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy to address harmful thought patterns and improve their attitudes toward medication.